Allapattah Is Positioned To Emerge As A Revitalized Community

A great article published in The Real Deal regarding a recent tour of Allapattah which I was glad to be a part of. If you have lived in Miami for a good part of your life you most likely have some history with each of these emerging communities like Allapattah, Little Havana or Little Haiti.
I recall in the very early 70's when we were bordering on poverty, we would make long lines at a NW 23rd Street warehouse to receive canned peanut butter, foot long block of processed cheese and other free food products. I also remember clearly the visits to "La Plaza" to buy fresh produce at a discount. During the 80's I recall walking into many of the clothing wholesalers on NW 20th Street and purchasing clothing in large quantities to resell it to South American clients that I would visit while they were staying in the old Fort Knox Hotel in Downtown Miami.
In the early 90's when I worked for the Cable TV company Miami Cablevision our sales offices were right on 17th Avenue where a concrete supplier currently stands. It was only a couple of years ago that I would walk into the shoe company located in the building where McKenzie Construction almost gutted completely and retro-fitted to operate it's creative vision for it's retail and corporate clients and the Allapattah community as well.
Now I find myself back I Allapattah fascinated by the transformation that will soon take place. The UM Hospital district to the south continues to expand, Wynwood on the east is sprawling westward and big players have already taken notice and have put a stake in Allapattah.
If the opportunity to invest in Wynwood came and went or you feel that opportunity to invest in Little Havana is a little too late for your taste then you need to take a close look into Allapattah. An investment now in Allapattah will provide you greater equity growth long term than anywhere else in Miami. For more information about investing in real estate please contact me at 305-582-4062.
To read the article published about Allapatah in The Real Deal click on the picture below.


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